Coronavirus updates for GSAS Students

April 21, 2020

Dear GSAS PhD Students,

You should have received already notice of the initiative to augment support for summer 2020 (below). I write with additional information to clarify what this means for Arts and Sciences PhD students.

  1. The potential $3,000 supplement encompasses all PhD students in years 1-7 who are normally appointed on a 9-month basis (as compared to a 12-month basis, common in certain lab sciences). Such students will receive the supplement, regardless of whether they are currently on appointment, on an external fellowship, on a GSAS fellowship, or on no fellowship at all (self-funded or department-funded).

    In the Arts and Sciences, the following departments appoint students on a 9-month basis:

    Art History and Archaeology
    Classical Studies
    East Asian Languages and Cultures
    English and Comparative Literature
    French and Romance Philology
    Germanic Languages
    Latin American and Iberian Cultures
    Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies
    Music DMA
    Slavic Languages

    African-American and African Diaspora Studies
    Political Science

    Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology

  2. The first $1,500 will be disbursed to all such students in years 1-7 without the need for an application; the funds will be distributed before June 1, 2020. You must have direct deposit to receive these funds.  
  3. The second $1,500 will be disbursed to all such students in years 1-7 if they have not been able to secure work within the university for the summer of 2020 (in the SPS summer sessions, other campus employment, or a fellowship requiring service). This additional $1500 will pertain to the majority of our 9-month students, considering that summer teaching and other employment opportunities —however welcome and numerous— are limited.  

These additional summer funds are given in addition to whatever GSAS summer stipend you normally receive. GSAS summer stipends were disbursed last week, a month earlier than in normal years.
We hope that this infusion of summer funding will go a long way toward addressing your most pressing needs during the summer months. GSAS will continue meanwhile to partner with students, faculty, and administrators to address the consequences of the global public health crisis in which we are immersed at present.

Be well; stay well.

Carlos J Alonso, Dean
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences